Friday, April 24, 2009


Wow...I've really gotten behind in this whole blog thing. I'm good about reading all of your blogs though- does that count?? I just realized it's been almost a month since I've posted. Here's why...

We FINALLY got an offer on our house in Tulsa! I have mixed feelings about that because, as most of you know, I love my house. However, I realize that despite my emotional attachment to the first house Paul and I lived in, Nathan's first house, the house where we celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays, and the house where the majority of our married life memories (not to mention our children, hee hee) have been made, the logical thing to do is sell it. I mean, we haven't lived there since July of '08. We really should sell it, right?? It might not be quite so bad except the buyer, who is practically stealing the house from us anyway, keep in mind, INSISTED on keeping my refrigerator too!! I don't mean like "negotiated" or paid extra for it. I mean like deal breaker kind of insisted we throw it in at "no additional cost to the buyer". But again, logic tells me this is the best thing.

We've been looking at houses here and have found a few that might work. We will hopefully have a decision made by Monday of next week, which will probably give me a huge sense of peace. I'm trying to become more of a go-with-the-flow kind of person, and I think I've made some progress in that area over the past year, (call it a survival tactic) but I still have quite a way to go. Pray I don't lose my mind during this, yet another, transition. We still hope to transfer back to Tulsa in a year so we're only going to rent here. The last thing we want is to buy here and then be stuck with another house in a state we don't live in anymore. So, although the rental selection is pretty slim right now, it is a much more simple process than if we were buying again. In my life, I welcome simple.

The boys are great. After months of practicing, Nathan has finally mastered spelling his name. (Just the Nathan part. We'll work on Nathaniel when he's 12 or 13. :) The process of teaching him this task was rather interesting, even to a "Child Development Specialist". We started working with him months ago. We'd say "N-A", he'd say "N-A", we'd say "T-H", he'd say "T-H" get the drift. Then we worked up to 3 letters at a time. He's been able to repeat what we said for a long time but couldn't tell us even the first letter by himself. Then one day it happened. The light bulb came on and he just knew it. Now he goes around spelling his name all the time and is suddenly interested in learning to read. Now it seems he learns something new everyday. It's wonderful and amazing and I am SO VERY PROUD of my big 4 year old!

I'm proud of Joseph, too. He is SO enjoying sitting up to play with his toys. Yes, we learned to roll over and sit up all in the same month. Not exactly the "norm", but I think God throws me those curve balls with my own kids because I'm so used to thinking in terms of "average development" and "therapeutic activities". Last Sunday we visited our church in Tulsa and our Pastor, Deron Spoo, conducted Joseph's baby dedication. It was such a special day for us. Baby Joseph was surrounded by our family and the people of FBC Tulsa welcomed him with overwhelming love. It was wonderful to be "home"!

It's been a big month for all of us and the craziness isn't over yet. We'll have several trips back and forth to Tulsa in the next few weeks and will be busy setting up a new house. Thank goodness for Paul. He is so strong and really helps me get through the chaotic times. Our kids seem a lot like him. Nathan has always been able to easily adjust to whatever situation he's been put in, so I'm sure he'll do just fine. Joseph seems fine, too, as long as he has me and some food close by. As long as I have my hubby with me and my kids are happy, I'll be happy too.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Big Night for Joseph

Tonight was a big night for the little guy. First, he finally mastered rolling over! He's been trying so hard for so long, but he got it. Paul, my Aunt Nelda and I all witnessed his big accomplishment and clapped and cheered for him. He was all grins!

THEN, as if we hadn't had enough excitement, he got to try his first veggie. Squash. Yes, I know. He's 6 months old, it was time. He's been getting cereal for quite a while now, and I do mix in a tiny bit of juice because he's not a fan of the plain stuff, but this was his first taste of true, big boy food. I was looking forward to seeing a funny, scrunched up little face when he tasted it. The little turkey just ate it like he'd been eating it all his life. No big deal. The bad news: I didn't get the good laugh I was hoping for. The good news: I didn't get squash spit back in my face. I'd say all in all, tonight was a success.