Here's a pic of Nathan on his first day of Pre-K. I can't believe my sweet baby boy is really off to 5 day a week school!! I am so, so proud of him. He's already learned so much and his 1st 9 weeks report card was excellent. His teacher says he's really good in class and he must have lots of friends there because the whole class runs to greet him when we walk in every morning. He's still as sweet as ever!!

Here's a pic from a family trip to the Fort Worth August. :) Nonnie and Poppa were in town that weekend, too. This was on the train ride from the back of the zoo to the entrance. We'd already walked the whole zoo and were a little hot and tired...did I mention it was AUGUST, and we live in TEXAS??? Not the best pic, but these days getting all 4 of us in one pic is nothing short of a miracle!

September meant Joseph's First Birthday. I took these pics a few weeks before he actually turned 1, but I thought they turned out pretty cute. Don't let these fool you, he and I fought for what seemed like hours to get a few good shots. He's a handful!!

His actual b-day is September 22, which was a Tuesday this year. That night we just ate dinner at my aunt's house and had some cupcakes, which he LOVED - obviously!!

For his birthday party we "tailgated" at Aunt Nelda's house. He was a popular little guy with family here from 3 states! We all had a great time. Thanks again for hosting Aunt Nelda!!!

October had some exciting events as well...
First of all, Nathan's class went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch. I went with them so I got this picture of his very first school bus ride. He was BEYOND excited that he was getting to ride a bus, even though the buses at his school aren't yellow. I just thought this was sweet.

Look for near future posts featuring Nathan and Joseph at our family outing to the pumpkin patch, Halloween, and the cruise to Mexico that Paul and I took for our anniversary.
1 comment:
Well it's about time! Thank you! LOVE IT! :) I can't believe how big Nathan looks - such a little man now. Sniff, sniff. :( And Joseph is too cute for words - he and Leyton could compete for "best cupcake eater!"
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