Our big 4 year old, Nathaniel Holton Perot. Nathan goes to preschool 3 days a week and is really doing well. His teachers say he loves to help them. He also just started playing soccer. At his very first game last week he scored a goal! This week he wasn't much into it, but hopefully as he practices more and starts to learn more about what to do he'll enjoy it more. He also likes video games, Star Wars, SpiderMan, and, just like his daddy and his Poppa, guns. Of course, his are still the toy version, but it all makes Mommy quite nervous.
Paul graduated with his Bachelor's in Business Administration in December of 1997 and went to work for Northwest Airlink, based in Memphis, Tennessee. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Psychology in August of 1998 and moved to Tulsa. Thank goodness Paul worked for an airline and could fly for free as long as there was an open seat on the plane! After working for a couple of years I decided to move to Stillwater and work on a Master's degree from OSU. My brother was working on his Bachelor's degree at the time, so we lived together in Stillwater. In May of 2003 I earned my Master's in Family Relations and Child Development, and then went to work for the Health Department in the SoonerStart program. I was there for 3 years until deciding to stay home with Nathan. Once Paul moved to Tulsa he went to work for BMI, Systems. He was there until February of 2008 when he got a job with Hilti, Inc. That brought us to the Dallas/Fort Worth area, where we are now.
A lot has happened in the last 6 years! We'd love to catch up with friends from years gone by to hear what everyone else has been up to. Drop us a line anytime!
Hi Courtney, your boys are just beautiful it's so nice to hear how great you are doing. I am also a Texan now. Kyle and I live in Hughes Springs and have 5 daughters. They are all amazing and it's never a dull moment. Kyle's two are the oldest Bree Anne 19, Alyssa 16, and Kaitlan just turned 13 with Mckenzie and Allison following behind her at 10 and 5. Sometimes I feel like I'm going in all different directions. I'm also staying home. I work 1 day a week at a nursing home doing hair and the rest of time is spent juggling kids or at church. I could go on and on but I won't bore you. It's so great to see your picture and hear how your families doing. I think of you and your mother often.
Love, Kathleen
Oh my gosh... Nathan looks just like Paul!! It's so good to see you guys!!! :)
I'm so glad to see you on here! I love the pics of Nathan and Joseph - Nathan looks so grown up and Joseph is just precious. We miss you all! See you soon?? :)
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