My Dad had neck surgery last Tuesday so we went to see him and my Mom over the weekend. Don't worry, Dad's fine. They went through the front of his neck to fix something at the back of his neck and he came through it with nothing he described as pain. I told him there's something not quite human about that, but for any of you who know my dad, that won't surprise you much. He's just weird like that, and I mean that in a good way. :)
So while we were home Joseph turned 5 months old. He also reached for his Nonnie, (my mom) for the 1st time! It was so exciting and totally made Mom's day! He's reached out a little for his toys or paci before, but this time I was sitting down holding him in my lap and when Mom reached for him he stretched out his little arms as high up as he could get them. It was SO sweet!
Nathan's big event of the weekend was singing at Tamaha's version of Pickin' N Grinnin'. Now for those of you who don't know Tamaha, it's a tiny (about 6 blocks) community about 15 minutes North of Stigler, (which is not that much bigger but would be considered "metropolitan" compared to Tamaha). There is no store, gas pump, or post office. It is literally made up of the people living on a half dozen streets or so, plus the farmers and ranchers in the area. THERE WERE 40 PEOPLE at this singing thing! That many people don't live in Tamaha! On Saturday nights they gather at the Senior Citizen's building with their guitars, fiddles, or whatever they play and sing old country/bluegrass/gospel stuff. Nathan, being the shy little guy he is, got right up in the middle of the band, got the microphone, and sang "You Are My Sunshine" while the "band" played for him! When the song was over and everybody had clapped he said, "We've got another song for ya comin' right up" as if he was the lead musician. Well, apparently he did because he went right into "Old MacDonald"! It was hysterical- until he started making up words that didn't make any sense. Then it got embarassing and I had to go tell him to take his bow and hand the mic over.
We drove back to Texas on Monday afternoon so we had time to stop by Mom's office and show off the kids. Since Cameron and I grew up with the ladies Mom works with it was fun to see them again. They apparently enjoyed the kids because Mom said they were still talking about them today.
That's all for now. Have a great night!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Our Family...

Our big 4 year old, Nathaniel Holton Perot. Nathan goes to preschool 3 days a week and is really doing well. His teachers say he loves to help them. He also just started playing soccer. At his very first game last week he scored a goal! This week he wasn't much into it, but hopefully as he practices more and starts to learn more about what to do he'll enjoy it more. He also likes video games, Star Wars, SpiderMan, and, just like his daddy and his Poppa, guns. Of course, his are still the toy version, but it all makes Mommy quite nervous.
Paul graduated with his Bachelor's in Business Administration in December of 1997 and went to work for Northwest Airlink, based in Memphis, Tennessee. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Psychology in August of 1998 and moved to Tulsa. Thank goodness Paul worked for an airline and could fly for free as long as there was an open seat on the plane! After working for a couple of years I decided to move to Stillwater and work on a Master's degree from OSU. My brother was working on his Bachelor's degree at the time, so we lived together in Stillwater. In May of 2003 I earned my Master's in Family Relations and Child Development, and then went to work for the Health Department in the SoonerStart program. I was there for 3 years until deciding to stay home with Nathan. Once Paul moved to Tulsa he went to work for BMI, Systems. He was there until February of 2008 when he got a job with Hilti, Inc. That brought us to the Dallas/Fort Worth area, where we are now.
A lot has happened in the last 6 years! We'd love to catch up with friends from years gone by to hear what everyone else has been up to. Drop us a line anytime!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wow, it's been a really long time. Since the last time I posted, we've moved to Texas, sort of, Nathan started preschool, and we had sweet baby Joseph. Since we haven't sold our house in Broken Arrow, my wonderful Aunt Nelda opened her home to us. She has a beautiful, spacious house in Keller, TX, just north of Fort Worth and has been kind enough to let us call it home since last June. Paul is about to have his one year anniversary with Hilti and is in talks with them to help us move back to the Tulsa area since we still have a house there. Nathan turned 4 in December. He goes to preschool 3 days a week and has just started soccer. Joseph Marton (named after my Pappa Mart Horton) Perot was born on September 22 weighing 9 lbs 1 oz. He was a lot bigger than we expected him to be! He is a sweet, although very hungry little guy! It seems he just can't get enough to eat! He's 4 months old and is starting to outgrow his 3-6 month clothes- many of which he got for Christmas a month and a half ago! Although he isn't yet rolling over, he's sure trying hard! He also wants to sit up. He usually looks like he's trying to do pilates! I work part time for my aunt. She owns an asbestos remediation company and I help her out with bookkeeping and anything else she needs. It's wonderful working for someone who loves my kids! I always take Joseph with me and even take Nathan, too, when he's not in school. Nelda was kind enough to get a small TV/DVD player for the office and it's all set up for him in our "kitchen" area. He has a box of toys, plays V-Smile, or watches cartoons while I work. Most days it works out beautifully! Although we would like to move back into our home in Broken Arrow, it has been wonderful to have so much time with Aunt Nelda!
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