The Perot Family
December 2009
As always, December was full of excitement.
We traveled to Tulsa to celebrate FOUR family birthdays...Nathan turned 5, Jared-our nephew-turned 7, Alesa our neice celebrated her super-sweet 16, and Paul turned............never mind...
It was a fun-filled trip and we so enjoyed spending time with everyone there!
Nathan's birthday happened to also be "pajama day" at school and his school friends helped him celebrate his big day.
After school he was surprised to find a new wagon that Nonnie and Poppa got him!
He also got to open all of his gifts from Mommy & Daddy, Joseph, and Aunt Nelda. Here's his favorite...
Yes, it's a real BB gun. Apparently it's a right of passage for a 5 year old to get his first gun. No worries stays locked in the safe with Daddy's and only comes out with strict adult supervision.
We woke up at our house on Christmas morning to see what Santa had brought. Papa Gene & Mimi were with us, too.
The next day we traveled to Stigler to have Christmas with Nonnie & Poppa and Uncle Cameron & Aunt Ryan. While we were there we also got to see Mammaw & some of our aunts and cousins. It was GREAT!!
These are just a few more random pics...
Nathan and I made YUMMY Chocolate Chip Cookies and we had SO much fun doing it! And yes, we ate more cookie dough than we baked. Isn't that what you're supposed to do??? :)