Sunday, May 17, 2009

A new place to call home...

Well, we did it. We moved into our new house this past week and are starting to get settled in. It's a bit challenging because the house we rented is considerably smaller than the one we lived in before, and there were only 3 of us living there! However, we think it's going to work. It's in an adjoining neighborhood to my aunt's and is actually within walking distance of her house, so that makes it really nice. It has a big backyard so Binks and Bailey have lots of room to run and play, and we're going to get a swingset for Nathan so he can have fun back there, too. We looked at some bigger houses, but were either concerned with the neighborhood or the size of the backyard with all of them. When this house came available, even though it was smaller than we really wanted, it seemed like the right thing to do. Nathan says he really likes it. He has his own bedroom and a play area, so he's happy. Joseph is still trying to adjust. Last night was our first night to stay here and he cried off and on until midnight or so when I finally put him in bed with Paul and me. He slept great then! It's now almost midnight on night #2 and he's still asleep in his bed, so things are looking up. Speaking of sleep, I haven't had much lately, so I'm gonna sign off. Goodnight!! :)